When we believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel we don't see obstacles but opportunities.
When God called Abraham and told him to leave his household and his country to go to a place which at first he did not know where, Abraham just believed and departed along with his wife. He didn't ask any question nor the name of the One who was speaking with him. Abraham was justified by faith and by faith he became our father and from him God made a great and powerful nation.
See that everything in Abraham's life started when God spoke with him and he just believed.
How many times God has spoken to us and we doubt and ask many questions, saying, "Should I do this or not? Is it the will of God? How many obstacles do we create? We delay God's will and power in our life. We should just believe and go ahead, if we have done that, then our life should be much better than it is right now. Many times we blame the devil or someone else for our failures and defeat but the reality is, we block our own ways, we cause us our own problems and most of the time we are our worst enemy!
May God have mercy on us.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
and obeyed.