Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Secret #1

Have you ever asked for yourself how you can prevail against all your enemies and problems? Which exactly should be the perfect step to be taken in order for you to claim your victory in every areas of your life? Well! These and many other questions have probably moved back and forth in the most inner of your mind and maybe up to this very moment you haven't found a suitable answer.
Let's understand this, everyone is born pure in heart no one is born addicted to smoking or drinking neither as a murder... etc! But why even though they are born pure in heart and innocent they grow up and many of them change their nature by starting to drink, smoke and doing things which we know are not convenient for a human being? The reason is just one, an evil spirit is possessing the person and when it happens then, he/she lives under evil control. This is what happens when an evil force possesses someone's life.
When the Spirit of God comes on us, when He enters our life and finds room to take control of everything we have, then our life changes in every aspect. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is God and once He dwells inside of you you are able to overcome all your obstacles and enemies, nothing will be impossible for you. Therefore, if you really want to enjoy a perfect life don't hesitate in seeking for the Holy Spirit with all your heart, spirit and soul.
Be part of the meetings every Wednesday and Sunday morning and be filled with the Power of God.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Who is our Biggest Enemy?

When we believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel we don't see obstacles but opportunities.
When God called Abraham and told him to leave his household and his country to go to a place which at first he did not know where, Abraham just believed and departed along with his wife. He didn't ask any question nor the name of the One who was speaking with him. Abraham was justified by faith and by faith he became our father and from him God made a great and powerful nation.
See that everything in Abraham's life started when God spoke with him and he just believed.
How many times God has spoken to us and we doubt and ask many questions, saying, "Should I do this or not? Is it the will of God? How many obstacles do we create? We delay God's will and power in our life. We should just believe and go ahead, if we have done that, then our life should be much better than it is right now. Many times we blame the devil or someone else for our failures and defeat but the reality is, we block our own ways, we cause us our own problems and most of the time we are our worst enemy!
May God have mercy on us.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa

and obeyed.

Friday, October 9, 2009

That's my beautiful wife

Central Park - NY

My daughter and I

In a restaurant in the Bronx NY

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Devourer Spirit

There are different ways in which the devourer spirit can work and destroy people's financial life. He doesn't necessarily need to touch their money directly, he many times works in the mind, and how does he do that? Simple, he convinces you that your financial situation is not that bad as someone else's, he starts putting in your mind that if you don't have everything you want, at least you have something. Something that you can afford to living with, he destroys your strength and motivation of fight for something better than what you have. The devourer spirit makes you compare your financial life with someone who materially speaking has less than you do and then, he creates in your mind a false sensation of well being and conformism. Well, if you feel comfortable with your situation, where are you going to gain strength to fight for more?
You should not look at or compare your life with someone who is lower and weaker than you but you should look to those who are ahead of you, then you'll fight to grow and conquer more. See that the devourer spirit always steals from many people that excitement of growing and become much better than they are. How many people have you asked: "How are you doing"? And they say, "Not bad"! Or "I'm ok"! And there are some people who say: "I'm doing good"! And then after that they start talking about many problems that they are going through? In reality, they are not ok or they are not doing good but in their mind they carry a false conviction that they are doing good.
Make sure you don't allow the devourer spirit convinces you that your financial situation as well as your family's are doing good and you are ok. Open your eyes and see what he's been doing against you and how he's been trying to deceive you because he doesn't want you to enjoy the abundant life promised in the Bible.
If you want to know more of this, just join the meeting of prosperity on Mondays at 11am, 3 and 6pm
Soon we'll start talking about FIA which means Faith, Intelligence & Action
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa.
If you need counseling just call 1 888 793 6411

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Doubt and fear
4 October 2009


Doubt and fear are the opposite of faith and courage. Whilst Good uses the voice of faith to encourage us, evil uses the voice of doubt to put us down. Whom should we follow? Whom should we serve? What decision should we make?

There’s only one way out of the fierce battle between these two voices: it’s to doubt the doubts!

To doubt doubts is to doubt the force of evil. When evil says: “Be careful”, “It might not work as you expect”, “It didn’t work for so and so”, our immediate response must be: “If God is with me, I want to see it with my own eyes that He is with me.” And then go ahead without fear.

This battle against doubt is fought inside of us, and that’s exactly where victory begins as well.

This is to fight the good fight of faith in order to take possession not only of a good life but above all, of eternal life (1 Timothy 6:12).

To believe in God is much more than to believe in His existence. It is to believe that He will do what He promised to do.

Bishop Macedo

Free Will

Because of the free will God gave us He depends on us for Him to act. In any passage of the Bible God forces human being to do what he wants, God always respects our decision, He doesn't interfere in it even though He is Almighty and has power to do whatever it pleases Him but He allows us to make our own decisions and choices. We can't complain when things go wrong in our life as many usually do when they face problems, they firstly turn against God as if He is the one who caused them problem. We plant! We reap! God has nothing to do with our mistakes and wrong decisions. Therefore, we must be careful about everything we do and say. It's our responsibility to allow God to take control of our thoughts and decisions, by doing this we will avoid pains in our life.
B Carlos Da Costa

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Faith and Courage

Faith and courage
3 October 2009


Faith and courage walk together. There’s no faith without courage and there is no courage without faith. One depends on the other in order to conquer.

God told Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. Not strong in the physical sense, but spiritually, which is related to a person’s convictions.

Everything in life depends on faith and courage: faith to believe in oneself and above all, in God; and courage to put this faith into practice.

Faith must be focused on a person’s partnership with God—faith in him or herself and in God. When faith is focused only on God, it doesn’t work, which is the case with religious people. They learned to believe in God, but not in themselves. That’s why they lack strength to act out their faith.

Although Joshua had been called, chosen and anointed, he had to follow God’s advice in order to succeed. Because his success depended on this, God told him to be strong and courageous three consecutive times. Moses had also given him the same piece of advice, just as David did with Solomon (1 Kings 2:2).

Has this advice lost its meaning?

Every conquest, including eternal salvation, depends on the practice of this very same advice.

God’s command is: faith and courage. In other words, be strong and courageous.

God bless you all.

Bishop Macedo

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