Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Conflicts of our thoughts

The conflict of our thoughts

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.“ (Ephesians 6:12)

We are in a battle, a battle that is developed in the spiritual realm.
Our enemies are not the people who rise up against us, but the evil spirits who use their bodies. There is an army of demons who are well trained and armed with weapons of injustice, wickedness and deceit. Under Satan's command, this army has surrounded and dominated humanity, leading to destruction.

Many Christians have underestimated the strategies and the power of action of spiritual forces from hell; that’s why many have lost their battles. Many have gotten cold in their faith and have fallen by the wayside. Before, they were like the salt that gave flavor, but now without the presence of God, they are alive but dead in this world, being trampled by the devil.

We cannot falter! It is eternal life or eternal death.

The biggest conflict that people face is not on the outside, but on the inside, it’s in the mind. This is where it all begins! The mind is the devil's main battlefield. It is where he plants his thoughts.
Satan imitates God in everything. The Holy Spirit works with the Word, and with it He inspires us to have divine thoughts. Satan also works with the word, as he did with the woman in the Garden of Eden. He pollutes the human mind with thoughts of doubt, and that is where he has prevailed.

“Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.“ (Ephesians 6:16)

The fiery darts of the wicked are the thoughts! They are the arrows that he shoots all the time in people's minds, making them fall into temptation.
He only suggests! For example: you take your computer and then immediately, come those thoughts of watching pornography. Where do these thoughts come from? Where do these thoughts of lying, cheating, deceiving, hiding sins come from?
Where do the thoughts of leaving the work of God come from? Thoughts that God is not listening to your prayers? That the Pastor or someone in the church does not like you or wants to harm you? The powers of darkness act in the churches causing spiritual coldness.

There is no doubt that the devil has been working through thoughts. Those who cultivate them, sooner or later will fall! Some people want to preserve the name or positions they have, but those who are saved, don’t consider what they will lose or fail to gain! Your salvation comes first.
Those who are spiritual hear the voice of the Spirit, but those who are in flesh don’t give it any attention.

When the devil comes with a thought, whatever it may be, we must fight against it in faith! If he comes with accusations, tell him: Jesus has already forgiven me devil!
There is only one way to overcome the spiritual forces of evil, which is to take on the whole armor of God.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

He who lives by faith goes wherever he wants.

Muda a visão

Muda a visão

Friday, March 20, 2015

Be smart and be careful

Keep your faith, don’t lose it.
  By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
 By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.
  By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; [a] for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.  But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11.3-6
 No matter what you have gone through, nor what people have spoken about you, you must keep your faith all the time, everyday, because this is the power of God inside of each one of us and with it we are able to overcome any type of problem, obstacles and whatever comes from hell and keep our salvation.
Everything satan wants is to destroy our faith and if it happens, then you’ll be lost.
 Walk away from those who have been used by the devil to push you away from the presence of God, just leave them alone. It’s better to be by yourself than to be with someone used by an evil spirit to drag your soul to hell.
Please, consider these words and be very careful.
Share with a friend and keep your salvation.
Carlos Da Costa

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Aos servos do Altissimo

Ao olharmos para as Sagradas Escrituras vemos muitos elementos importantes, porém, um foi sinalizado como essencial: o Altar. Ele é o Lugar escolhido por Deus para ali pôr o Seu Nome e poder habitar (Deuterônomio 12.5). Podemos entendê-lo como o colo de Deus que recebe não apenas a oferta ou o sacrifício de uma pessoa, mas a própria vida dela.
Por ser tão importante, tem poder para consagrar aquilo que é colocado sobre ele. Os religiosos que viviam na época do Senhor Jesus, estavam tão perdidos que valorizavam mais a oferta do que o Altar, mais o ouro do que o Altar que santifica o ouro.
Seus olhos espirituais estavam vendados, e por isso o foco estava errado, a ponto de desconsiderar o Próprio Deus.
Por causa da avareza, ardilosamente ensinavam que jurar pelo ouro do Altar tornava o juramento obrigatório, porque o consideravam maior do que qualquer outra coisa. Esse raciocínio maligno foi combatido pelo Senhor Jesus que valorizou o Altar, como Deus fez desde o princípio. 
Infelizmente, o mesmo espírito ambicioso do passado tem cegado a presente geração.
Quando os olhos estão fixos no que é terreno não há discernimento para reconhecer os valores eternos. Até mesmo pastores têm caído no brilho do ouro e o considerado mais valioso em suas vidas.
Isso porque nunca nasceram do Espírito, ou, no mínimo, O apagaram, priorizando o material e desprezando o espiritual.
Ao manterem os olhos mais na oferta do que na alma do ofertante, caem na terrível condenação imposta aos fariseus do passado.
Que as perguntas abaixo promovam uma autoanálise sincera e reverbere em conscientização do que representa o ouro e o que representa o Altar, especificamente na vida do pastor.
Sendo assim, o que você prefere:
* Aproveitar a vida se embriagando com o vinho deste mundo ou sacrificá-la para se encher do Espírito?
* Enfrentar humilde e corajosamente os próprios erros, mesmo que no momento haja perdas, ou ocultá-los de acordo com a conveniência?
* Aceitar os benefícios e a proteção de “esquemas errados” ou pagar o preço da denúncia?
* Ter profundas teorias espirituais ou a prática simples da fé?
* Ficar ansioso e preocupado com o seu futuro e de sua família ou se concentrar naquilo que Deus deseja de você?
* Entregar a consciência para ser manipulada e receber vantagens ou mantê-la pura de acordo com os princípios da fé e sofrer perseguições?
* Viver da glória do passado de conquistas, como “Eu fiz isso, aquilo…”, “Eu estive ali ou acolá…”, ou lutar para conquistar todos os dias?
* Colocar toda a ajuda de custo no alforje e poupar a sua vida ou fazer um perfeito sacrifício no Altar (corpo, alma, votos, propósitos, tempo, forças…)?
* Ser obediente e respeitoso apenas com as autoridades: “Sim senhor!”; “Não senhor!” enquanto desobedece e despreza a Deus ou ser uma pessoa verdadeiramente temente?
* Ao ser injustiçado, recorrer ao homem, se justificar, atacar, se defender ou ir ao Trono Divino e esperar pela resposta?
* Pensar em si próprio e nos seus problemas ou nas pessoas que estão sofrendo?
* Dar tudo de si para agradar às pessoas a ponto de se prejudicar ou dar tudo de si para o Altar?
* Investir na imagem, na reputação, em ser atualizado culturalmente ou investir no seu interior e na vida exemplar?
* Ter uma vida espiritual medíocre baseada na comunhão com Deus apenas nos cultos ou se dedicar em desenvolver diariamente a Salvação?
* Massagear o ego pregando para uma multidão ou dar tudo de si, pregando para salvar uma alma?
* Fazer as obras que aparecem para as pessoas e rendem aplausos ou aquilo que só é visível para Deus?
* Colocar toda força para crescer a igreja e se projetar na obra ou toda força para encher o Reino de Deus?
* Zelar pela pregação correta da Palavra, pela disciplina e ordem na igreja e até ser criticado ou fazer “vista grossa” e ter a simpatia de todos?
* Ter a ousadia da fé para começar do zero um trabalho todas às vezes que for necessário ou se considerar muito importante para um “trabalho pequeno”?
Suas respostas, sendo realmente sinceras irão apontar onde realmente estão os seus olhos
Bispo Macedo

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Are you on the Altar?

   The secret to keep our salvation is not to conquer the riches of this world, nor is it to become famous and well known all over the world. Their is only one secret, to have our life 100% on the Altar. This means to live your life according to what is written, in obedience to His commandment without worrying about what people say, whether they like or not. Either you conquer great things or not. Unfortunately many have left the presence of God simply because they asked for something and didn’t receive the answer. Or one day they were criticized or accused of something that they didn’t do. 
     Dear all,
There's nothing in this world more important than your salvation and you should not exchange it for anything. Perhaps as you read this message you remember the many times that you thought about leaving everything and walk away from the light of God because you didn’t conquer what you wanted. My question is: Was it more important than your salvation? Can any type of blessing guarantee your eternal life with God?

     We all should zeal for the most important victory that we have conquered which is your salvation. If by any chance you still don’t have the certainty of your salvation, then you should humble yourself in the presence of the Almighty God and cry out to Him with a sincere heart and I guarantee you that He will hear your voice and will answer you.
Once you have the full assurance that your life is on the Altar, make sure you keep it there don’t let anything and anybody remove your life from God’s hands.

“ Blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift?" Matthew 23.19
Share this message with a friend and take care of your salvation.
Bishop Carlos

Monday, March 16, 2015

Reject the anxiousness

it is impossible to believe and be anxious at the same time. He who doesn't think like this is deceiving himself, because doubt is the root of anxiousness. When you put doubt aside, then anxiousness goes away, then God is able to take care of your life and cover all your needs.

Growing up in God's Way

Becoming Spiritual
And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.”[a] The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. (1 Corinthians 15:45)

The first man (Adam) represents that assistant that is not born of the Holy Spirit; he was generated in a womb, but not by God. He does not have God’s DNA, that’s why he is vulnerable to the feelings that the devil brings through situations in his life.  He is weak to face the temptations and battles; he has no direction because his strength is earthly (natural). That is why many fall in temptation and are saddened when faced with injustices. 

The Last Adam is Spiritual (Living Spirit). In other words, in every situation he sees the hands of God, he is not saddened when faced with problems, on the opposite, He seeks strength in the Holy Spirit. The Problems are not enough to take away his peace; he seeks directions from God, he uses his faith and resists all temptations.

His heart is always shielded from the feelings of this world; the devil cannot find space to work. His mind is always occupied with things from above, with his salvation and with saving souls for our Lord Jesus.  
City of Chicago IL

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A thought

Then Naaman went with his horses and chariot, and he stood at the door of Elisha’s house. And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” But Naaman became furious, and went away and said, “Indeed, I said to myself, ‘He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leprosy.’ 2 Kings 5.9-11
Why did Naaman think and believe that Elisha would quickly come outside to greet him?
The way I see it, two things caused him to think this way:
1. He was a general, and not just any general, so he was used to everyone quickly fulfilling all of his wishes and desires;
2. He was very wealthy. He was carrying more than 340kg of silver, 6,000 pieces of gold and 10 expensive garments, which was enough money to catch anyone’s attention.
In his head, the prophet would succumb to any of his biddings and quickly come out to meet him after seeing such pomp. However, this was not what happened.
The same is true for many who think they can buy favors from God because they are used to buying gifts for their wife to hide their promiscuous ways. Others think they can buy their children’s love with expensive schools, parties, vacations and clothes to justify their absence and not fulfilling their role as a father or mother. This is, they believe they can do whatever they want, without having to give any account of their bad habits and even God has to subject Himself to them and bless them in their sins, because they consider themselves to be good people and, of course, are always “helping in the church”. But their pride is completely blinding them.
Unfortunately, even some men who once may have been of God, which I doubt, were blinded by gold and ended up losing their vision of faith, this is, the Altar, and allowed themselves to become corrupted.
How many opened their “own ministries”?
How many treat people differently because of their appearance or their financial status? They are like Gehazi, who went after Naaman to ask him for money and expensive garments when he saw that the man of God was not bribed by power and much less deceived by Naaman’s gold. 2 Kings 5.20-27
His end was and is exactly the same as all those who are focused on the gold instead of the Altar, and value things or people more than God, they end up leprous and, not only do they curse their lives but also their family’s lives, of course, only those who also have their dark objectives.
In the end, pride and the spirit of deceit that reigns in this world and in the churches, makes them value gold more than the altar. They are blind…
No wonder our Savior said, Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold?… Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Matthew 23.17,19
Thank God for the “Elisha” of today, who, despite the appeals of this world, have remained faithful to their calling and their faith. They rather “lose” to this world and win with God!
Who have you been: Elisha or Gehazi? Where has your focus been?
May God have mercy on us all and give us the humbleness to understand the direction the Holy Spirit has given to His Church

Mulher de Fé

Mulher de Fé

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Just Do it.

Dear friends,
Read, meditate and put this word into practice. Without a doubt it’ll bless you.

 Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;  meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains,  that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.

 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.  Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Colossians 4.2-6
Share with a friend and be the blessing.
Bishop Carlos

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How to Conquer and Stablish

 The most difficult victory in a human being's life is the conquering of his salvation. He has to sacrifice his everything upon the altar in order to accomplish it. The Lord Jesus said, "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 10:37-39This is the price paid by those who want to conquer the salvation of their souls; there are many who have done that and consequently they have conquered their salvation. However, many of those who one day had the assurance of salvation, after sometimes they lost it. They went back to their former type of miserable life in which they used to live before they came to God. This has happened exactly with those who haven't established their salvation. One thing is to receive a blessing and other thing is to establish what you have received. Maybe the blessing that you have received is healing, prosperity, sentimental or a spiritual blessing, it is for you to keep it and remain in the same quality of faith that led you to conquer that blessing. Nevertheless, many who have been blessed with healing, prosperity and principally salvation, after sometimes they lose it. Why has this happened to them? Because they relax in their faith, they stop pushing themselves as they used to do in the beginning, and of course, they fail. If you have the certainty that you have already conquered your salvation, and you are a new creature born of the Holy Spirit. Then you should keep it by establishing your communion with God. Don't let satan deceive you with the pleasure of this world. Don't be deceived by what your eyes have seen nor by what you have heard everyday. Unfortunately, many who used to be strong in faith and were very active in the presence of God and in His work are going backward. They were those in which God could count on for everything, but now they are going down little by little. They are at the point of seeing in their lives again those problems that they had overcame when they first came to church. They've been always sad, weak, busy, and carrying a very low self-esteem. No matter what has happened in the church, nothing has motivated them. They have no pleasure to take part of what the Holy Spirit has directed us to do. Don't let the fire of God depart from you, but keep it burning day after day. because you will need it in the future.  "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'” Revelation3:12, 13 Share this message with a friend and be blessed. Bishop Carlos

My 20 Doubts

Jesus is the Word of God the Father sent to the world;
Like the Breath of God the Father was blown from the Most High Throne through the Person of God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus made Himself Flesh, He Materialized Himself and Humbled Himself, taking on the same form as the man He had created.

The same happens to all those who are born of the Holy Spirit. They are formed into children of the Most High God; however, they remain in the same body they came into this world. The exterior is the same, but the interior is a celestial being.

The spiritual nature of the children of God is shown through their words and actions. As it is written:
Those who born of God are formed by Him Who comes from Above, and he who is formed from Above is born from Above and is superior to those born from the Earth.

He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all. And what He has seen and heard, that He testifies; and no one receives His testimony. He who has received His testimony has certified that God is true. John 3.31-33

The text above can be reworded as following:

The One who comes from above is the most important of all;
the one who comes from the earth is earthbound and speaks of earthly things.
The one who comes from heaven is celestial and speaks of what they saw and heard from God, but no one accepts His message. However, those who accept His message become a witness of the Greatness of God.

True children of God are formed by the Spirit of God. They are formed by the Most High and are therefore born from Above.
Their words and actions are according to the words and actions from Above. Their conversations and behavior is different from the people of this world.

Otherwise, let’s take a look:

I doubt that a person who is born of the Holy Spirit will give off an aroma other than the perfume of the Lord Jesus! 2 Corinthians 2.15

I doubt that insults or curse words will proceed out of their mouth! Ephesians 4.29

I doubt their ears enjoy foolish conversations! Ephesians 5.4

I doubt their eyes watch pornography or waste time with online games without a strong warning from the Holy Spirit! 1 Corinthians 6.19

I doubt their feet walk through improper places and do not shun evil. I doubt it!… Job 1.1

I doubt their heart finds pleasure in the works of the flesh! Galatians 5.19

I doubt their mind finds pleasure in disobeying the Word of God! Matthew 7.24

I doubt the children of Light feel at ease while sitting at the table with the scornful! Psalms 1.1

I doubt the children of the Spirit celebrate the feast of the flesh or participate in it by watching it on TV or online. I doubt it! Romans 8.6

I doubt those who are born of the Spirit wear provocative clothes to attract men’s attention! Revelation 3.5

I doubt those who are born of the Spirit want to marry people who are not born of the Same Spirit. I doubt it! 1 Corinthians 7.39

I doubt those who are born of the Spirit find pleasure in raves, clubs or places where there is music from hell, and offer drugs, alcohol, sex, aids, herpes and venereal diseases. I doubt it! Colossians 3.5,6

I doubt those who are born of the Spirit do not attend meetings of the Spirit on Sunday mornings. I doubt it!… Hebrews 10.25

I doubt those who are born of the Spirit prioritize their exterior more than their interior. I doubt it!… Romans 8.5-8

I doubt those born of the Spirit are slaves to any kind of addiction. I doubt it!… John 8.36

I doubt those born of the Spirit are depressed or unhappy. I doubt it!… Psalm 128.2

I doubt if those born of the Spirit fall, they remain fallen. I doubt it!… Psalm 37.24

I doubt those born of the Spirit are defeated. I doubt it!… I John 5.4

I doubt reading this text saddens those who are born of the Spirit. I doubt it!… Revelation 3.18-21

I doubt the children of Light are yoked together with the children of darkness. I doubt it! 2 Corinthians 6.14