Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why We Should not Fear

Hello everyone,
I would like you to read, meditate, and understand why we should not fear any evil or situation in which you may be going through right now. If you truly believe that the Lord Jesus is with you. I have separated couple of verses that I was reading today and decided to share with you. It has blessed me a lot, I do believe this can bless you too. When you finish reading it, please share with a friend.
Take your time, don't rush.

"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister. (‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭13-23‬ NKJV)"

The Sleep of Death

Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? Matthew 23.17
I had never realized this glorious revelation. I thought to myself, the Lord rebuked those hypocritical priests because they disregarded the importance of the Altar. In the same proportion that their spiritual eyes were blocked, their physical eyes were open, but not focused on what was presented on the Altar. This has been the greatest reason for the majority of evangelical Christians, especially pastors, to be stuck in their sins and, worse, turn a blind eye to the sins of their members.
This is not solely about the focus on the offering, but the consideration for the Lord and Savior.
Those who consider the gold more important than the Altar have their eyes set on the offering and neglect the offering giver;
Those who consider the gold more important than the Altar were never born of the Spirit! Or, they turned away from Him by prioritizing the material and neglecting the spiritual;
Those who consider the gold more important than the Altar are worried about how many members they have and care very little about the number of souls that are saved.
The pastor that “falls” because of the glitter of the gold (offering) is similar to Lucifer, who walked among the fiery stones (Ezekiel 28).
God knew Abraham very well. Yet He still tested him. The same is true for each one of us. He knows us very well, inside and out. However, He still allows us to be tested so that we come to know ourselves better. Know the real state of our faith, which is our relationship channel with the Lord.
While King David was lost in the delusions of sin, his soul was agonizing in sadness from being apart from salvation.
I am not judging anyone, my intentions are to warn pastors regarding the deplorable state of their sheep because they are focused on the gold and disregarding the Altar.
May the Spirit of the Most High awaken the sincere from the sleep of death and revive His Church.
Bishop Macedo

O adultério de Davi

O adultério de Davi

Monday, February 16, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Inexplicable Peacr

Bishop, as I read this testimony, I remembered when I first came to the Universal Church in Guarulhos, 11 years ago.
I was just like her, criticized the UCKG and, as a Catholic, didn’t even want to hear anyone mention Bishop Macedo’s name. I was very sick, had depression and a panic disorder, an inflamed herniated disc and sciatic nerve. I took prescription drugs for the depression, but nothing helped. My husband invited me to go to Church, but I did not want to; he continued to insist and we went. When I got there, I don’t know why but the pastor began to criticize the Catholic Church. The pastor made me so angry that I didn’t want to ever go back. However, my illnesses also got worse.
A month later my husband began to insist on taking me to the Church again. He was used by the Holy Spirit, because though he wasn’t a member of any denomination, he said, “This is the last time I’m asking you to go to the Universal Church. If the same thing happens again, then we won’t ever go back.” So I said, “Okay, I’ll go for you.”
And we went to the Headquarters, because the Cathedral didn’t exist at the time. When I arrived, the pastor asked those who were sick to come forward. He said everything I had. I said, “Who told this pastor my problems?” Everything he mentioned was exactly what I was going through.
So I challenged God: if He truly existed I wanted to be healed, otherwise, if nothing happened, I would no longer believe He existed. But if He healed me, I would be faithful to Him all the days of my life.
What I felt was very beautiful, an inexplicable Peace. The panic I felt disappeared at that very moment; it was as if I was levitating. I began to glorify the Name of the Lord Jesus, the One who until now has and does wonders in my life and my family. My husband is also with me in the Faith, we’re just missing my son and my daughter, but I’m sure they will soon be serving the Lord Jesus.
There was a song by Jota Neto that marked my second visit to the Universal Church. The lyrics were what I was experiencing in my life. But, thank God, He saved me.
Ana Maria Cavalcanti Dantas

Eu nasci de novo!

Eu nasci de novo!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Veja o que o Senhor Jesus falou a Seus discípulos: Por isso, vos digo: não andeis ansiosos pela vossa vida, quanto ao que haveis de comer ou beber; nem pelo vosso corpo, quanto ao que haveis de vestir. Mateus 6.25
O alimento é importante para a vida, mas o Espírito Santo é essencial para ela. A roupa é importante para o corpo, mas o Espírito Santo é essencial para ele. Uma coisa é estar vivo e outra coisa é ter vida. E o Espírito Santo traz vida a quem está vivo. A roupa cobre o corpo protegendo-o do frio, do calor, do vento, mas não pode protegê-lo do mal. Então, de que adianta ter um corpo bonito e bem vestido, mas estar desprotegido por não ter o Espírito do Deus Altíssimo como Morador deste corpo?
O Senhor Jesus, vendo a preocupação das pessoas em atenderem às suas necessidades físicas (que não deixam de ser importantes), mostrou o que realmente é essencial ao ser humano quando disse: Buscai, pois, em primeiro lugar, o Seu reino e a Sua Justiça, e todas estas coisas vos serão acrescentadas. Mateus 6.33
Este reino está dentro de nós e de todos os que foram possuídos pelo Espírito Santo, e quer estar dentro de você. Se por conta de ter as coisas materiais você fez o que fez, o que você seria capaz de fazer para ter o Espírito Santo?
Nada nesta vida, material ou espiritual, pode ser alcançado sem sacrifício. Um exemplo é a parábola do tesouro oculto no campo. O homem que achou o tesouro tinha muitas posses, e elas não vieram a ele de “mão beijada”. Ele teve que sacrificar para tê-las. Mas quando encontrou O Tesouro, ele entendeu que para ter “Aquele Tesouro”, que simboliza o Espírito Santo, ele teria que abrir mão de tudo o que havia conquistado por meio de sacrifício. Sacrificando, assim, ainda mais.
Bispo Romualdo Panceiro

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The most famous witchdoctor Brazil

My name is Fabiano Jacob, and at the age of 15 I was the most famous witchdoctor in Brazil (known as MillenniuM), with two books published by Madras and a DVD on the subject, registered in Ancine.

I taught thousands of workshops, lectures, courses; I treated thousands of people and, erroneously, believed to be working on behalf of Good, since I “freed” people of demons, witchcraft, etc. But today I understand this was just another one of the devil’s tricks.

I am involved in politics; I ran for councilor and, recently, for congressman, where I received 5,000 votes here in Rio de Janeiro, without any sort of campaign. I didn’t invest in a campaign because I am currently suffering a brutal political persecution that led to me having to sustain the 200 children at my nursery here in the favela of Dende. This happened last year, and I received no help from city hall.

Ever since I decided to turn away from that deceptive lifestyle and begin seeking the One True God, I have been passing through the greatest desert of my life.

But now I know in my heart what is my destiny, which is to serve the Almighty God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

I am thankful for a modest pastor… Even though I had a privileged education, owned several businesses, including the largest insurance group in Latin America and spoke 3 languages, I found true wisdom in the pastor whose been helping and guiding me, and showed me the true Word of God.

That’s right, I found myself in a small Universal Church! In the favela, in a fixed up garage, but where the Word of God flows with the force of a thousand armies!

I made sure to send you this email because there are three special reasons you should rejoice:

1- a former servant of the devil (though I did not know what I did was wrong) converted and accepted the Light of God with the help of the Universal Church.
2- this new man wants to serve God, to surrender to the work of the Lord.
3- there is a humble, serious, true man of God in the Dende favela. The Church is more than well represented by Pastor Filipi Michel.

I thank the Almighty God for giving me a new life, and you who, with your faith, motivate and give direction to the Church of the LIVING Christ… And with it, save millions of souls and lives.

May you always be blessed!

Fabiano Jacob

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Doctrine of Fifty Shades of Grey

All lined up for a Valentine’s Day release is what experts are predicting to be the most financially successful film ever—Fifty Shades of Grey. The highly controversial film is based on the book by the same name, with two sequels that are just as popular. Experts also refer to this book as the worst piece of writing ever to make the New York Times best-seller list. Aside from the disgusting topic, the juvenile writing style and story plot make it an embarrassing joke to be listed alongside real works of literature. But the millions of fans worldwide, and the millions of dollars it’s generated is not a joke. How could a book that everyone agrees is terrible become such a financial phenomenon? It’s simple: demons of perversion.

The plot is about a wealthy businessman who preys on a young woman with low self-esteem. She is a virgin who struggles with feelings of rejection from her father, and is hungry for affection and romance. He overwhelms her with attention, lavish presents and money, and then asks her to submit to his sexually depraved desires that include bondage, sexual torture and unspeakable sadomasochistic violence. She is infatuated with him and agrees. The book glorifies every juicy detail and pulls its readers into this emotional pit of hell. After their sexual episodes, the woman is left bleeding and so badly bruised she can’t move. But she “loves” him, and in the last book of the trilogy, she marries him.

Doctrine one of Fifty Shades of Grey: women should view abuse and violence as noble and courageous. The author wants to counterbalance all the perversion with hope and faith, that a pure young woman has such power of love that she can save a man from his torment. But any social worker or psychiatrist can tell you that this plot is the typical model of abuse: A woman loves a man who is dangerous. She has very low self-worth. He is controlling, threatening and manipulative. She feels wanted and needed, and tolerates his violence because she believes that she will be his “savior.” In real life, too many of those stories end in death. Police records prove it.

Doctrine two: sexual perversion is amazing. Fifty Shades of Grey is supposed to be the new standard of a fulfilling marriage. People believe they have to seek out more exciting, more perverse forms of sexual pleasure to be happy, and the deeper they sink into these experiments, the more demons of depravity fill their lives and destroy their homes. It’s a doctrine that glorifies sexual excitement with no love, no kindness, no giving, no God—selfishness and pain give the greatest pleasure. It’s unbelievable, but even Christians are being enticed by this. If you want to know what real excitement in marriage is, read the book “Bulletproof Marriage” instead to transform your love life as God intended.

The devil is the master of physical and sexual abuse, found at all levels of society and the effects are devastating. From child slavery in East Africa to human trafficking in Arab countries, to the sex trade in Thailand, the Philippines and South America, to the shiny high-tech pornography industries in California, the Netherlands and the UK, to the individual homes where horrific violence against women and children occur on a daily basis everywhere, an aggressive demonic principality is orchestrating all of that pain. And now as the Fifty Shades of Grey movie is already selling millions of pre-ordered tickets, those same demons are prepared to invade the souls of millions more.

So if you have been thinking of seeing this movie, if you’ve enjoyed the book, and have even allowed your teenagers to read this, congratulations. You are contaminating your own mind with filth and filling the vulnerable minds and emotions of your children with demonic desires that will stay with them for a lifetime unless they fight for those curses to be broken by faith. You also have the added benefit of giving your offering to the global industry of demonic perversion. You are helping abusers to harm children and innocent people all over the world. You are making life very comfortable for those who live off the suffering of others, thanks to your purchases and your personal advertisement as you walk into that movie theater, condoning these lies. Please think smart, and choose wisely.

But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea! Woe to the world because of offenses. For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes. (Matthew 18:6,7)

With the help of: Evelyn Higgibotham

O Drama de uma Modelo

Meu nome é Juliana Almarcha Sampaio, sou brasileira e me mudei para a Espanha com três anos de idade. Desde pequena sempre fui muito magra, e como qualquer criança, eu tinha o sonho de ser modelo. O esporte sempre foi um dos meus maiores fortes: Atletismo, Basquete, Natação, além do Ballet.
Eu cresci como uma adolescente normal. Aos 18 anos, comecei a sair e busquei um relacionamento. Tive a minha primeira grande decepção e, por conta disso, tentei o suicídio usando medicamentos.
Iniciei a minha carreira como modelo em Sevilla. Aos 21 anos, experimentei o álcool, não era uma coisa que eu gostava muito, mas todos bebiam e pareciam passar bem, então “fui nessa onda”. Aí passei a fumar “shisha”, um cigarro árabe de vapor… 
Me mudei para Madrid, a capital da Espanha, e continuei minha carreira de modelo em uma das melhores agências. Já estava com 23 anos, e neste período, percebi que “meu barco começava a afundar”: conheci as drogas, fui a festas VIP com celebridades, via as “minhas amizades” usando ecstasy, cocaína, LSD… As drogas eu ainda não havia provado, mas posso dizer que abusava do álcool, e muitas vezes tinha vontade de morrer. Horrível!
Com 24 anos, em um evento em Ibiza, provei o ecstasy. Pouco tempo depois, em uma discoteca, abusei das drogas e tive a minha primeira overdose.
A partir de então, comecei a frequentar festas de domingo a domingo. Até que em uma das ocasiões me ofereceram a cocaína. Eu cheirei a primeira linha, e daí foram umas 15 a 20 linhas do tamanho de um dedo…. essa noite foi horrível! Novamente suando, pensando que meu coração ia arrebentar, com febre, e o pior de tudo: ninguém estava comigo!
Por um período curto, voltei à casa dos meus pais em Valência. Eles não sabiam de nada, pois em casa eu “atuava’ como uma pessoa normal. Foi quando começaram as “viagens de prazer”, que eram, literalmente, prostituição. As viagens recomeçaram. De festa em festa, por inúmeros países: Moscou-Rússia, Seychelles-Ilhas abaixo da África, Mauricius-Ilhas no Oceano Índico, Capri e toda essa costa da Itália a gente fez em uma embarcação de luxo; Aspen e Denver-USA e Casablanca-Marrocos.
Tudo isso em festas com pessoas importantes de todo o mundo. Festas, orgias e noites intermináveis de cocaína, LSD, metanfetaminas, ecstasy, chá de cogumelos. Coisas que não gosto nem de lembrar.
Minha mãe começou a notar que alguma coisa não estava bem comigo e me falou sobre o Tratamento do bispo Formigoni. Na verdade, eu pensava que era para levar o meu irmão, que tem problemas com os vícios. Na minha mente “eu não tinha problema, eu controlava”.
Mas ela falou: “Nada disso!!! Você irá ao Tratamento do bispo Formigoni nem que eu mesma tenha que levá-la!!!”
Tentava agir normal, mas estava acabada. Parecia que estava ficando louca. Tinha depressão, tristeza, amargura, medo e pânico cada vez que entrava em um avião.
Enquanto isso, minha mãe continuava assistindo ao programa do bispo na televisão.
As propostas de trabalho e viagens voltaram, mas eu já estava me sentindo praticamente morta com 26 anos. Meus “amigos” novamente apareceram… “Vamos para a Austrália, Miami, Londres…!” E assim foi até o dia 27 de dezembro do ano passado.
Era uma quinta à noite. Comprei o bilhete e vim ao Brasil. Olhei para a minha mãe e disse: “Não voltarei igual!”. Entretanto, quando cheguei à Reunião para a Cura dos Vícios, minhas pernas começaram a tremer e pensamentos vinham à mente: “Acho que não devo entrar, para que devo entrar? Já estou bem, não preciso.” Mesmo assim, permaneci.
Conversei com o bispo Formigoni, e ele disse: “Juliana, seu trabalho não tem nada a ver. Drogas têm em todas as partes. Uma vez tirado o espírito do vício, você poderá estar perto dessas pessoas e, até mesmo, ajudá-las! Você vai arrebentar!”
Nesse mesmo domingo, durante o Tratamento, lá do fundo da catedral, eu quis gritar de emoção. Pude sentir que o processo da cura havia iniciado em mim. Tive nojo e náuseas quando o bispo apresentou a droga no Altar que um viciado havia acabado de entregar.
Após algumas semanas no Tratamento, posso dizer que hoje estou curada e feliz!
Só tenho palavras de agradecimento a Deus e à Universal. Agradeço também pela vida do bispo Macedo e pelo trabalho que ele tem levado mundo afora.
Daqui para frente tudo o que for possível eu farei para ajudar e colaborar com pessoas que passam o mesmo que eu passei.
Se não fosse por Deus e o Tratamento Para a Cura dos Vícios, com certeza não estaria aqui, neste momento, escrevendo estas palavras. Espero que venha servir para salvar muitas outras almas.
Hoje estou com minha vida entregue a Deus. Me batizei nas águas e sei que daqui para frente minha vida permanecerá livre de todo sofrimento que outrora fazia parte de mim.
Juliana Almarcha Sampaio

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Vision Board

I was already converted when I came to the Universal Church in 1999, and was raised as an assistant quickly after. There was only a special service in my city, but even though I heard what was said above about the Love Therapy, I remember listening to the Therapy on the radio every Saturday. I was the only one who was converted in my family, so no one really understood anything.

Some time later, I moved to the capital and continued doing the same thing, but now I went in person to the Cathedral. Plus, I worked the 3pm meeting and participated in the 7pm meeting. Though I did this for many years, I never stopped believing that God would answer me.

In fact, I converted in 1993, at the age of 18. I began attending the Therapy in 1999 and was still a virgin when I got married in 2008. In other words, I waited many years for an answer. And He answered me. Maybe you’re wondering why it took so long. I often asked Him as well, and did not understand why He wouldn’t answer me.

There were so many questions in my heart and in my mind, until one day I UNDERSTOOD THAT I SHOULD BE HAPPY, ENJOY and EVEN THANKFUL FOR BEING SINGLE. It was not easy thank Him, it was an enormous learning experience.

Once I understood this, I asked the Lord Jesus to remove from my heart, mind and soul everything I learned, heard and thought different from what I had just understood. Shortly after, during a meeting for financial success, the pastor said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2.2

I had an idea and called it the “Vision Board”. I am going to tell you how I made my first Vision Board. Remember, you have to be specific. It took me 30 days to make my Vision Board. I was picturing my future. I chose the pictures very carefully; this happened in 2006. Every time I cut out a picture and glued it onto the board, I was in prayer.

1. I cut out several pictures that had to do with dating and marriage. It was so strong! I don’t think you understand: I didn’t glue any engagement pictures and I never got engaged, we simply dated and got married;
2. I cut out a picture of the city where I wanted to live, in an upper-class neighborhood, because there wasn’t any in Brasilia;
3. I cut out a picture of who I wanted to work for;
4. I cut out pictures of gifts etc.

I hung the Vision Board in my room, and when I woke up I felt happy with my situation. I looked at the pictures – at first it was not easy – but then I got used to it, and found myself living those situations.

In fact, I have the board in my house until today. Out of the 10 pictures I put on my board, I’ve obtained 7, and I can tell you that they were all wonderful. I’ve done other Vision Boards and also achieved results.

Today I am married to a good husband, live in the city I put on the Vision Board and work for who I wanted to work for, and there is one thing I can say: it’s a great job.


Escola da Fé

Quando falamos em Escola da Fé, indiretamente estamos tratando do Amor, pois como separar a verdadeira fé do verdadeiro amor?

Muito além do tratamento para resolver problemas sentimentais, a Terapia do Amor é uma aula para se constituir a família.

A família é a célula-mãe da sociedade.

DUVIDO, com todas a letras, que haja alguém neste mundo que tenha se casado experiente no casamento! E se por acaso pensam que os casamentos anteriores serviram como experiência, veja se não estão enrascados com problemas em casa novamente…

Porque cada casamento é uma experiência diferente da anterior. Cada cabeça é diferente da outra, razão pela qual é extremamente difícil combiná-las. Salvo quando a fé é a base do mesmo.

Duas pessoas se amam e se casam. Só que cada uma carrega em si traumas e problemas pessoais vivenciados na casa de seus pais. Quem garante que os problemas dos dois não vão se somar e aumentar as cargas pesadas sobre “uma só carne”?

O objetivo da Terapia do Amor é ensinar a viver o amor na base da fé. Para tanto, é preciso ensinar sobre a enorme diferença entre o AMOR VERDADEIRO e o amor falso; a VERDADEIRA FÉ e a falsa fé. Mostrar a diferença entre o amor inteligente e o amor sentimento; fé inteligente e a fé sentimento.

Enquanto o amor inteligente é Divino e eterno, o amor sentimento é passageiro, vulgar e traiçoeiro. O amor verdadeiro se desenvolve com o poder da fé inteligente. O amor verdadeiro é como uma árvore plantada junto ao rio da vida. Ela gera famílias, povos e nações; seus ramos vão se estabelecendo de geração em geração; seus frutos geram outros frutos seguindo a raiz principal.

Não é à toa que o Espírito afirma:
“O que acha uma esposa acha o bem e alcançou a benevolência do SENHOR.” Provérbios 18.22

Na Terapia do Amor não se aprende apenas a amar e ser amado, mas também se aprende como ensinar os filhos a amar e escolher a pessoa certa para se casar. Aprende-se a viver o casamento no dia a dia. Problemas de ciúmes, intrigas familiares, parentes como sogra, sogro, cunhados, enfim, aprende-se a administrar a casa familiar.

Quem pensa que a Terapia do Amor é para “encalhados” não tem usado a fé inteligente. Quem vem à Terapia para arrumar casamento também vai perder seu tempo. Até é possível, mas nunca e jamais deve ser o objetivo.

A Terapia do Amor é a faculdade onde se formam FAMÍLIAS. Deus é família. Ele é Pai, é Filho e Espírito Santo.

Primeiro passo mais importante do ser humano é a experiência pessoal com o Espírito de Deus, quando nasce a nova criatura. O segundo passo é a constituição da família por meio de um casamento sólido, feito na base da fé e do amor verdadeiros.

Tão importante e significativa é a Terapia do Amor que eu a chamaria de TERAPIA DA FAMÍLIA. Considero-a o Gênesis da vida cristã de cada fiel.

Primeiramente o Senhor fez o homem e dele a mulher. Quer dizer: antes de haver casamento entre Adão e Eva, eles foram criados. Todos os cristãos deveriam saber que antes de se casarem, primeiramente deveriam ter a certeza de terem nascido do Espírito de Deus (criação de Deus), para então se casarem. Se isso fizessem, evitariam desastres sentimentais.
Bispo Macedo

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015

E vós, quem sois?

“Mas o espírito maligno lhes respondeu: Conheço a Jesus e sei quem é Paulo; mas vós, quem sois?” Atos 19.15

Quando o diabo disse que conhecia o Senhor Jesus e sabia quem era Paulo, ele estava dizendo, em outras palavras, que Paulo era de Deus por conta do Espírito do Senhor Jesus que habitava dentro dele. Porém, tratando-se desses sete irmãos, o diabo sabia que eles não pertenciam a Deus, mesmo tendo o conhecimento do Nome do Senhor Jesus. Veja o que acontece com quem tem o conhecimento bíblico, diz que crê em Deus e até frequenta uma igreja, mas não tem o Espírito de Deus.

“E o possesso do espírito maligno saltou sobre eles, subjugando a todos, e, de tal modo prevaleceu contra eles, que, desnudos e feridos, fugiram daquela casa.” Atos 19.16

O diabo não pode questionar a identidade daqueles que são selados pelo Espírito Santo, porque estes são propriedade exclusiva de Deus.

Ninguém deve se iludir com qualquer tipo de conquista. Seja uma cura, uma bênção familiar, na vida sentimental etc.

Está escrito: “E, se alguém não tem o Espírito de Cristo, esse tal não é dEle.” Romanos 8.9

Este Jejum de Daniel é para que todos sejam de Deus. É claro, os que têm sede, digo, sede de Deus.
Bispo Romualdo