Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The reading of this book will bring to you an extensive knowledge of how the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God began and has developed since then. It will open your understanding and show to you the importance of always being ready to give, because this was and has been the foundation of Bishop Macedo's ministry and ours as well. Nothing to Lose will be launched on February 9th in New York City.

Segredos de 41 anos de um casamento feliz

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ex-meninas do mundo

Bispo Macedo,
Existe uma realidade assustadora numa parte esquecida do Brasil que o testemunho de fé do senhor está ajudando a mudar.
No interior do Pará, muitas meninas de 12, 13 anos são obrigadas a se prostituir em troca de comida e roupa. São garotas ribeirinhas que chegam a vender a virgindade por até 15 reais. Existe muita miséria por aqui.
Mas agora o livro Nada a Perder está ajudando a trazer um pouco de esperança para essas meninas.
Meu nome é Olavo de Moraes Souza, tenho 33 anos, e ajudo a coordenar o trabalho evangelístico nas comunidades isoladas pelas águas na cidade de Moju.
Enfrentamos dificuldades de acesso em algumas épocas do ano porque os rios secam e só voltam a ficar navegáveis no período das cheias.
Em um desses vilarejos isolados, em Porto da Balsa, há duas semanas, distribuímos centenas de exemplares de Nada a Perder para a comunidade ribeirinha.
A maioria das meninas e de suas famílias aceita nossa ajuda na hora.
Bispo, veja a história da Maria, que saiu dessa vida marginal graças à Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus e nos ajudou a distribuir os livros nessa guerra pela recuperação das meninas escravas da prostituição.
"Minha vida nunca valeu nada nessa parte da Amazônia. Meu pai enchia a cara de álcool e quebrava tudo em casa durante suas crises de bebedeira.
Chegava a jogar nossos brinquedos no rio como forma de castigo. Cresci sozinha, no meu canto, com mágoa do meu pai e em busca de carinho e atenção.

Logo passei a entregar meu corpo nas margens dos rios da minha cidade.
Homens casados, sujos, mais velhos, violentos, bêbados. Na vida de uma prostituta aparece de tudo. A depressão invadiu minha alma.
Tentei me matar por três vezes, a última cortando meus pulsos.
Um dia, recebi o convite para trabalhar em uma casa noturna em um outro estado, longe do Pará, quando fui evangelizada por uma jovem da Igreja Universal.
Eu estava sozinha em um ponto de ônibus, desolada, com meu interior em trevas, sentindo nojo de mim mesma pela podridão de vida que levava.
Decidi dar um basta e vencer meus medos.
Hoje, faz 19 anos que estou na presença de Deus, livre do passado que me aprisionou. Sou casada, tenho um marido maravilhoso, e agora luto para levar a outras meninas prostitutas a mesma mensagem de fé que me salvou.
Confesso que recebi sua biografia com uma enorme alegria aqui na minha terra. Vi em cada livro uma chance única de conquistar inúmeras vidas perdidas.
Muitas meninas abrem um sorriso discreto quando recebem o Nada a Perder.
Pedem socorro na forma de um abraço. A minha oração é por cada uma delas todos os dias da minha vida".

Maria Muniz, 35 anos

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The Tree of Life

Mankind’s success begins with the Cross.
It is the source of spiritual and moral principles.
First the spiritual, then the moral.
When there are spiritual principles, there will also be moral principles.
When the fear of God exists, there will also be love, faithfulness, respect, honor, consideration, and compliance in your marriage.
Your spiritual character is reflected in your moral character.
The Cross guides the spiritual and the moral.
The vertical beam on the Cross represents man’s personal relationship with God. This beam was established in the First Commandment of God's Law: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment," Matthew 22.37-38
In practical terms, this means that the Lord God has to occupy the First Place in a man’s life, and be the Focus of his attention, consideration, respect, faithfulness and fear.
God does not accept to divide this position with anyone else. This is why Jesus made it very clear when He said:
"He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.  And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it," Matthew 10.37-39
Once this principle of faith is established, the next step is the formation of the horizontal beam of the Cross.
The Second Great Commandment, which is similar to the First, is:
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself," Matthew 22.39
Who is closest to you, if not your husband or wife?
Therefore, the horizontal beam of the Cross is made up of two parts: a husband and his wife. Nevertheless, these parts must be extracted from the vertical beam, so that the Cross can be built with wood from the same tree: the Tree of Life.
Once the Cross is established in someone's life, this person, undoubtedly, will be “as a tree planted next to rivers of water, that in due time gives its fruit and whose leaves will not wither, and everything this person does will be successful,” Psalm 1.3

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don't Be Greedy!

'Then He came to Capernaum. And when He was in the house He asked them, 'What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?'
We live in a world where most of people have been very greedy they never get tired of searching for more no matter what it takes they want more and many times for them to conquer a better position at work, at school or in any other area of society, they lie and corrupt themselves, in some cases they even kill each other, it doesn't really matter because what they want is above anything. Well, to see this type of attitude among unbelievers is not a surprise for us but among Christians is unacceptable. There was a dispute among the disciples to decide who was the greatest among them, they were fighting for a position.
When we become servants of God the most important thing for us is to serve Him no matter where or how we are going to serve, either cleaning, cooking, preaching, evangelizing, opening or closing doors, etc... the pleasure of a servant is to serve and for a servant there is no good or bad place because he is a servant and his priority is to please His master.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Um dia para a história

Um dia para a história
Save a youth, this will definitely be the best opportunity ever for you who want to help someone and this can be your own son or daughter. To save a youth means to have one youth less lost in the streets. October 28th 9:30am.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Two Ways

Life is made by choices and decisions and we all have opportunities of choosing whatever we want in life knowing that sooner or later we will reap the fruits of any choice or decision made in life. God in His everlasting mercy, always gives us this high privilege of deciding what to do in life and no one can still this power from us.

"Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently OBEY the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I give you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth". Deuteronomy This is one way.

"But it shall come to pass, if you DO NOT OBEY the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you; Deuteronomy 28.15 This is another way.
Which way have chosen?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Victory And Defeat
Inside of each person there is a power called faith that can be used to bring victory or defeat, it depends on how you use it. If every time you are about to do something you allow negative thoughts to possess your mind and you start to doubt about yourself or about what you are going to do, then you will definitely be defeated not by the difficulties of what you want but because you are manifesting a negative faith. On the other hand, if you don't care how hard is for you to conquer what you want, you don't care how far you got to go nor how long it's going to take, you will definitely be successful in everything that you do.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Penhor do Espírito

Colocar um patrimônio como garantia do pagamento tem sido prática comum nas sociedades. Já acontecia na época de Paulo que, dirigido pelo Espírito Santo, aproveitou esse costume para conscientizar os cristãos, em Éfeso, sobre seu futuro promissor e eterno.
“…depois que ouvistes a palavra da verdade, o Evangelho da vossa salvação, tendo nEle também crido, fostes selados com o Santo Espírito da promessa; O qual é O Penhor da nossa herança, ao resgate da Sua propriedade, em louvor da Sua glória.” Efésios 1.13,14
Numa linguagem mais simples podemos ler:
…após terem ouvido a mensagem do Evangelho vocês creram no Senhor Jesus, foram salvos e selados com o Espírito Santo. O Espírito Santo é o Selo de Garantia da nossa salvação até o dia do Resgate da Sua propriedade para louvor da Sua glória.
É claro que o texto não diz respeito aos cristãos piratas ou carnais. Mas apenas aos nascidos do Espírito.
É extremamente glorioso viver na fé de que o sacrifício da vontade da carne, pela causa do Senhor Jesus, tem essa compensação imediata.
Não vimos Jesus, não O sentimos, não O tocamos, não vimos os Céus, nem anjos, nada…
Tudo o que possuímos de garantia do eterno é uma convicção íntima.
Esse tipo de certeza já foi profetizada por Jesus, quando disse: “Porque me viste, creste? Bem-aventurados os que não viram e creram”. João 20.29
Portanto, como Tesouro Particular de Deus, os nascidos do Espírito têm Esse Selo de Garantia. Enquanto estiverem emprestados neste mundo para o Seu serviço de ganhar a outros, eles têm o Espírito Santo da Promessa que testifica no seu espírito o resgate na volta do Senhor Jesus.
São propriedades da Sua glória.
Bispo Macedo

Universal Family's photostream

April 17th - What A Day

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Faith and Trust

Faith and trust work together, many times to believe only is not enough to conquer what you need the most, many people give up on their dreams because they are not able to persevere until they materialize what they dream of. Not everything that we want comes to us in the day and time we want, it's necessary to trust to go all the way until we see our victory.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I Can Make It

One of the most important thing in a person's life is exactly the power of making decisions, we were born bringing this power inside of us but unfortunately many don't use it as they should, they rather allow others to use it on their behalves and they suffer chaotic consequences in life. There's no one better than yourself to make your own decisions, every time you depend on someone else for you to do what you are supposed to do it doesn't come out in the it should. Therefore, make sure you decide whatever you have to do by using your abilities and your faith then, you will be able to say, I can make it. But if you always depend on others you will never win.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Apollo Theater has always been a place where many famous singers began their carriers, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Luther Vandross, Aretha Franklin and many more, this list can be much bigger than that but this last Sunday, September 30th, everything was completely different of what usually happens there because there wasn't just one famous singer but over 1500 people singing all together and praising the God Almighty, it was simply amazing and awesome, unforgettable and remarkable proving that when we set in our hearts and in our mind to do something by faith we definitely do that and that's what happened Sunday, the Godllywood Concert was one of many that without a doubt will come soon.
I'll post more pictures soon.
Bishop Carlos

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Influence |ˈinfloŏəns - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself
The definition of influence is what many should be careful about you probably have already lost many valuable things in life simply because you were easily influenced by something or someone who at first approached you with convinced reasons that sounded good in your ears but in the end brought you painful and endless frustration, therefore be yourself and don't let what others say or show you to change one of the most important thing you have, your character, what is good for them doesn't mean it's good for you. Watch out!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Faith and religion

Faith and religion do not mix.
They do not mix when you’re dealing with supernatural faith.
Like the heavens are higher than the Earth, so is supernatural faith when compared to religion.
But when it comes to natural faith, faith walks hand-in-hand with religion.
When an atheist ignores faith, in reality, and without realizing it, he’s ignoring supernatural faith.
In his case, it makes sense.
But when it comes to natural faith, everyone has it, even the most sceptical.
It is impossible to live without it; it comes from the cradle.
Who would work when there’s no certainty of being paid?
Who would sow when there’s no certainty of reaping fruit?
Who would study when there’s no certainty of a better future?
This certainty is natural faith, which is built-in to human nature.
Religion considers natural faith an easy sell and takes advantage of it.
This is why thousands of religions exist in the world, millions of gods and billions of religious people.
And the worst part is that no one understands anyone else.
If they belonged to God, they would not cause division or promote prejudice.
In contrast to natural faith, which comes from the cradle, supernatural faith comes from on High.
It is God's gift to the poor in spirit.
It is infinitely superior to natural faith.
It is the single direct channel to God, without middlemen.
Similar to a School of Faith, the UCKG teaches this kind of faith...
That engenders a close relationship between created and Creator, one that does away with middlemen;
That causes the dreams of those who have it to materialize;
That turns the cruel, and the most harmful to society, into good individuals;
That heals the physical and spiritual wounds of those who believe;
That "gives power to the weak, and increases the strength of those who have no might" Isaiah 40.29…
That fosters a life that’s different from unbelievers.
Supernatural faith frees people from religious burdens, half-truths and everything else that stifles our ability to reason and make the best choice.
It delivers from the deceptions of the heart, from empty, self-centered feelings that enslave the human mind.
Finally, supernatural faith restores the image and likeness of the Almighty, since the Spirit of Creation operates through it.
"So you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him."  Malachi 3.18 (HCSB)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"It is honorable for a man to stop striving, since any fool can start a quarrel." Prov.20.3
My son, Aux. pastor Joel and I in a especial service in Mount Vernon, NY. Moment of a prayer for those who were in pains.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Manhattan Bridge, NY
                                                      A Grande Diferença    
       Toda e qualquer diferença sempre tem que começar de dentro para fora, ha em muitas pessoas a preocupaçao de mudar o exterior, o que na verdade, é muito simples e facil e pode ser feito a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar, porem essa mudança exterior é curta de pouca duraçao, o tempo a destroi rapidamente e logo ha a necessidade de fazer outra mudança. Assim tem acontecido na vida de muitas pessoas que estao sempre mudando de residencia, namorado, marido, emprego, roupa, tipo de pentiado, amizades e tipo alimentaçao, é claro que essa lista poderia ser bem maior, precisaria de mais espaço; essas mudanças nunca trouxeram nenhum resultado positivo por isso as pessoas estao sempre mudando.
       Quando ha uma transformaçao interior, no pensamento, no carater e acima de tudo na vida espiritual, as mudanças exteriores serao apenas uma consequencia e nao importa o local onde voce esteja ou o que voce faz, se dentro de voce ha um Deus que tudo pode entao aonde voce for a vitoria ira acompanha-lo, voce nao dependerá das circunstancias ao seu redor para ser feliz pois essa felicidade ja existira dentro de voce. Busque a Deus e sem duvida isso acontecerá.
      BP Carlos Da Costa

Friday, September 7, 2012

These are the Caleb Leaders of the Universal Church in NY, we took this picture right after we finished our meeting in which we discussed about everything that will be done in the month of September, this joy you see is something permanent in their lives despite of problems and trials they go through in their daily bases but nothing can take their happiness away.

Ensaiando com alguns dos musicos que estarao no concerto no teatro apoll...

Sunday, September 2, 2012


There are many things we do that we consider as remarkable, things that not even time can destroy or wipe off our mind, no matter where we go we’ll always carry it with us. On the other hand there are things we do that we hardly remember because they have no impact and make no difference at all.
On September 30th we will do something that will be more than remarkable for all of us, The Godllywood Concert, so amazing, so awesome that no matter where we go, we will never forget. Get ready and join us. This event will take place at Apollo Theater where many famous singers started their careers, there you will also start a new life, and certainly succeed.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Se voce tem sido facilmente influenciado por outros, certamente voce jamais alcançara seus objetivos e sua vida sera feita de fracassos e decepçoes. A vitoria de qualquer pessoa independente de raça, lingua, sexo ou qualquer outra condicao, só depende da propria pessoa, ainda que outros possam ajudar com orientaçoes ou algum suporte, mas o principal tem que vir da propria pessoa que quer a vitoria, é algo que vem de dentro para fora, individualmente.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

  • The Lion and the Mouse
A Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying; "If you would spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The Lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free, exclaiming:

"You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for ever a Mouse to confer benefits on a lion".
Never despise anybody you might need his help some day.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tied-up Faith

One of the biggest challenges to Christian faith is indecisiveness.
An indecisive person never knows what they want. They have no goals, no vision, no understanding of God's will for their life. And that's because they have a faltering personality. They are uncertain about everything they do. They are unable to firmly say, “Yes” or “No”.

How can God use someone that is indecisive?
Someone who is like the waves of the sea, indefinitely moving forward and backwards.

Jesus’ followers must to live from faith to faith.
However, the undecided or wavering live from one indecision to the next, even when it comes to making small decision like what clothes or shoes to wear.

Having Jesus as your Savior does not cancel out this kind of behavior. Many times, it may even get in the way because you feel like things will eventually change on their own. You end up waiting for Divine magic.

This type of Christian, consciously or unconsciously, becomes Satan’s ally by helping him harvest those who have a sincere faith. Because they pass along their indecisiveness, fear, insecurity and weakness to others.
This is why few conquer by faith, and many fall away from the Christian faith.

James considers this kind of person to be “a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1.8
“…and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” James 4.8

A double-minded person is someone who pretends and has mixed feelings, but ends up doing whatever suits them better.

What good is it to believe in the Word of God, in the Lord Jesus and not be decisive about defining your faith?

What good is it to believe in God, and not make that belief clear, objective and incisive to the world and to hell?

Try looking for someone in the Bible that was used by the Holy Spirit and had an indecisive personality and faith?

Through Paul, God Himself said:
“One person esteems on day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.” Romans 14.5

And you, my dear friend, what is your faith?
Until when are you going to falter between two opinions?

Bishop Macedo

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Looking Inside of You

By looking at this beautiful baby, you are able to see purity on her face. Even if you spend a whole day looking at her you will never feel tired because she looks so cute, so innocent and very simple with no make-up to enhance her beauty. Try to imagine this baby with some lipstick or mascara or powder or fake eyelash. Will she really need them? I know that your answer is NO! But, where does this beauty come from? It comes from inner simplicity.
When a person is truly transformed by the Holy Spirit, this change makes her to become pure and simple which reflects in her exterior. She has become more confident to spread her beauty wherever she goes, exactly like this baby. Many people spend money with special treatments, plastic surgeries, cosmetics and other elements trying to look young or to enhance their beauty. Is it wrong? Of course not, everyone has the right to be the way he/she likes but if one invests only on the his/her appearance and s/he does nothing to change his/her inside, then all the efforts and investment will be as good as nothing. However, if one holds grudges, is envious, has a lot of hate or has anxiety this is what will be reflected externally. Therefore, it is important to ask the Holy Spirit to transform you so you can possess that natural beauty. You won't depend on a red, brown, grey or any colored lipstick to make you look beautiful. Remember, babies don't put on any make up and they are all beautiful.

Bishop Carlos Da Costa

Monday, January 30, 2012

E o seu interior?

Muitas pessoas preferem seguir o caminho das águas ou seja, o caminho mais facil. Assim é a mudança exterior, é rapida e temporaria porque o proprio tempo a faz ser assim e isso nao acontece apenas com o ser humano, essa mudança se da com tudo o que é visivel. Agora voce pode entender porque a mudança interior é importante, porque é algo realizado dentro da pessoa e isso ninguem consegue ver, por essa razao o tempo nao pode destruir. Lute para que essa mudanca aconteça tambem dentro de voce. O seu exterior vai refletir o que ha dentro de voce sem que haja a necessidade de se maquiar todos os dias, a sua beleza será natural.
B Carlos E Da Costa

Sunday, January 29, 2012

E O Interior?

Se o esforço e dedicaçao que muitas pessoas fazem para manter o seu exterior em dia, fosse feito para mudar o seu interior nós com certeza teriamos mais pessoas felizes neste mundo. A verdade é que muitos querem uma mudança rapida em que nao haja a necessidade de se sacrificar, como é por exemplo, a mudança da aparencia, algo em que qualquer ser humano pode fazer em qualquer dia e em qualquer lugar, mas será que isto tem sido o suficiente para torna-los pessoas felizes? Creio que nao, ha necessidade de se fazer muito mais. Tem que haver a mudança interior. A felicidade de qualquer pessoa nao vem de fora para dentro mas sim de dentro para fora.
Amanha continuaremos a falar mais sobre este assunto.
Bp Carlos e Da Costa

Friday, January 27, 2012


Procrastinate means to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done and this has been the reason of many failures in the life of those who always complain saying that they don't understand why their lives never change and they are always looking for someone to blame. Have you already done what you are supposed to do? If you say yes, then well done.
B Carlos E Da Costa

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Fox and The Grapes

The Little Fat Fox

There was a man who had a big backyard and in it there were a lot of grape vines, which were fully loaded with very sweet grapes. The grapes were ripe and very delicious. His neighbor had a big backyard as well, but it was separated by a simple fence. This neighbor also had a little fox, who longed desperately to eat those attractive grapes.

One day, the owner of the grape vines had to travel to a faraway place and didn't know when he was going to comeback. So the little fox rejoiced saying, “ It’s my turn to devour those grapes."

Knowing that there wasn't anyone around, she passed through a small hole in the fence and thirsty for the grapes, she started to eat one after the other; the more she ate the more she wanted to eat. Without noticing the fox began to grow fatter and fatter, all of a sudden she heard a noise. "What could that be?", she thought.

To the fox's surprise, it was the owner arriving home. Then the fox said, “It’s time for me to go home. Let me go through the same hole in which I came in."

She tried hard to fit through the hole, but she couldn't; she was too fat. The man came in, found her, and killed her.

This is what happens when you sin and keep it hidden inside of you. You may say to yourself, "This is not much, it's just a small sin."

However, that small sin begins to grow and when you try to get rid of it, it has already gotten too big and ends up killing you.

“Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.” Song of Solomon 2.15

Bp Carlos E Da Costa

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Do Not Worry!!

Why do many people take so long to accomplish their victories? Lack of faith? Fear? Remembrance of past failures? The list goes on, the truth is when we want something in life we just don't care how long it takes, many people worry too much with when and where they are going to conquer their victories. The more they worry much longer the result will take you should not worry about how long it is going to take, you should worry about what you have to do to conquer what you need.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Faith is Not A Feeling.

Faith is not a type of feeling in which someone can feel to overcome his problem but instead this is the power of god God that enables us to conquer whatever we want, therefore do not depend on feeling something but just believe.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bp Renato Cardoso: Bp Macedo e Ester, 40 anos: Os problemas (4)

Bp Renato Cardoso: Bp Macedo e Ester, 40 anos: Os problemas (4): Entrevista exclusiva para a The Love School (Escola do Amor) ... Eu perguntei ao Bispo Macedo sobre os problemas que enfrentaram, e sobre o...

Renato Cardoso's Blog: 3 ways... an explanation

Renato Cardoso's Blog: 3 ways... an explanation: I supposed, wrongly, that the answer to my last sentence in yesterday's blog was obvious. I'm sorry. Apparently, it wasn't. So, at the ...