Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Monday, January 30, 2012

E o seu interior?

Muitas pessoas preferem seguir o caminho das águas ou seja, o caminho mais facil. Assim é a mudança exterior, é rapida e temporaria porque o proprio tempo a faz ser assim e isso nao acontece apenas com o ser humano, essa mudança se da com tudo o que é visivel. Agora voce pode entender porque a mudança interior é importante, porque é algo realizado dentro da pessoa e isso ninguem consegue ver, por essa razao o tempo nao pode destruir. Lute para que essa mudanca aconteça tambem dentro de voce. O seu exterior vai refletir o que ha dentro de voce sem que haja a necessidade de se maquiar todos os dias, a sua beleza será natural.
B Carlos E Da Costa

Sunday, January 29, 2012

E O Interior?

Se o esforço e dedicaçao que muitas pessoas fazem para manter o seu exterior em dia, fosse feito para mudar o seu interior nós com certeza teriamos mais pessoas felizes neste mundo. A verdade é que muitos querem uma mudança rapida em que nao haja a necessidade de se sacrificar, como é por exemplo, a mudança da aparencia, algo em que qualquer ser humano pode fazer em qualquer dia e em qualquer lugar, mas será que isto tem sido o suficiente para torna-los pessoas felizes? Creio que nao, ha necessidade de se fazer muito mais. Tem que haver a mudança interior. A felicidade de qualquer pessoa nao vem de fora para dentro mas sim de dentro para fora.
Amanha continuaremos a falar mais sobre este assunto.
Bp Carlos e Da Costa

Friday, January 27, 2012


Procrastinate means to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done and this has been the reason of many failures in the life of those who always complain saying that they don't understand why their lives never change and they are always looking for someone to blame. Have you already done what you are supposed to do? If you say yes, then well done.
B Carlos E Da Costa

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Fox and The Grapes

The Little Fat Fox

There was a man who had a big backyard and in it there were a lot of grape vines, which were fully loaded with very sweet grapes. The grapes were ripe and very delicious. His neighbor had a big backyard as well, but it was separated by a simple fence. This neighbor also had a little fox, who longed desperately to eat those attractive grapes.

One day, the owner of the grape vines had to travel to a faraway place and didn't know when he was going to comeback. So the little fox rejoiced saying, “ It’s my turn to devour those grapes."

Knowing that there wasn't anyone around, she passed through a small hole in the fence and thirsty for the grapes, she started to eat one after the other; the more she ate the more she wanted to eat. Without noticing the fox began to grow fatter and fatter, all of a sudden she heard a noise. "What could that be?", she thought.

To the fox's surprise, it was the owner arriving home. Then the fox said, “It’s time for me to go home. Let me go through the same hole in which I came in."

She tried hard to fit through the hole, but she couldn't; she was too fat. The man came in, found her, and killed her.

This is what happens when you sin and keep it hidden inside of you. You may say to yourself, "This is not much, it's just a small sin."

However, that small sin begins to grow and when you try to get rid of it, it has already gotten too big and ends up killing you.

“Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.” Song of Solomon 2.15

Bp Carlos E Da Costa

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Do Not Worry!!

Why do many people take so long to accomplish their victories? Lack of faith? Fear? Remembrance of past failures? The list goes on, the truth is when we want something in life we just don't care how long it takes, many people worry too much with when and where they are going to conquer their victories. The more they worry much longer the result will take you should not worry about how long it is going to take, you should worry about what you have to do to conquer what you need.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Faith is Not A Feeling.

Faith is not a type of feeling in which someone can feel to overcome his problem but instead this is the power of god God that enables us to conquer whatever we want, therefore do not depend on feeling something but just believe.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bp Renato Cardoso: Bp Macedo e Ester, 40 anos: Os problemas (4)

Bp Renato Cardoso: Bp Macedo e Ester, 40 anos: Os problemas (4): Entrevista exclusiva para a The Love School (Escola do Amor) ... Eu perguntei ao Bispo Macedo sobre os problemas que enfrentaram, e sobre o...

Renato Cardoso's Blog: 3 ways... an explanation

Renato Cardoso's Blog: 3 ways... an explanation: I supposed, wrongly, that the answer to my last sentence in yesterday's blog was obvious. I'm sorry. Apparently, it wasn't. So, at the ...