Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Assistants Graduation - March 31st

Preparatory Course for Assistants Graduation

In every school and university for one to graduate, he has to be approved, and in this way they’ll be able to grow in their career. In the work of God, it isn’t different, God needs approved (graduates) that don’t have nothing to be ashamed of and therefore, use them for big things. This graduation will only be for those who want to be used for big things…

5 Week course

Begins: Sunday 2/24/13
Ends: Sunday 03/24/13
Graduation: 3/31/13

Requirements to Graduate:
Participate of the 5 classes, do the tasks of the week, get 3 couples to be your godparents, these couples can be: married, friends, engaged, dating or not have any connection at all, but they have to be 3 couples who have never come to the church before or those who have stopped coming for a long time.

Class subjects:
2/24 – Active faith
3/3 - Clean conscience
3/10 – vigilance
3/17 – Fear
3/24 – Hope
3/31 – Graduation, the day that the godparents will be present

First: Read the bible daily and show your pastor a verse or a passage that caught your attention that week.

Second: Read Bishop Macedo’s Blog ( every day and show your pastor the message that caught your attention that week.

Third: Everyday watch the program assistants in Focus ( 9:30pm NY TIME and show your pastor what caught your attention that week on the program.

On 03/31/13, the graduates will receive the Diploma of Graduation that must be signed by the godparents that will be at the Graduation ceremony.

The Altar Ray Boltz

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mesma Geraçao
A geraçao na epoca de Noe nao era diferente da de hoje, os problemas e dificuldades pareciam com as que nós temos vivenciado hoje em dia, porem Deus encontrou em Noe um homem justo no meio daquela geraçao, e se Deus encontrou era porque Ele estava procurando alguem que vivesse de forma a agrada-lo e isso Noe sabia fazer muito bem...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Família Universal

As Lutas do Dia A Dia - Muitas vezes passamos por lutas e problemas no nosso dia a dia e Deus permite que as enfrentamos nao para o nosso sofrimento ou porque pecamos, mas para o nosso proprio beneficio, pois sao nos momentos de lutas que nos aproximamos mais de Deus, O buscamos com mais intensidade e frequencia, e sao exatamente nessas horas que nós mais aprendemos e crescemos na fé e na comunhao com Ele, por isso é que os problemas e lutas sao permitidos por Deus. Portanto, se nesse momento voce esta passando por dificuldades e lutas procure se chegar mais a Deus, busque-O com toda fé e certeza de que Ele esta ai com voce e lhe garantira a vitoria. 'Pelo que sinto prazer nas fraquezas, nas injurias, nas necessidades, nas perseguiçoes, nas angustias, por amor de Cristo. Porque, quando sou fraco, entao é que sou forte.' 2Co 11.10
Participe das Reunioes do Espirito Santos aos Domingos 9:30am e voce recebera forças para lutar e vencer no seu dia a dia.

Monday, February 4, 2013