A fé não tem nada a haver com sentimentos e emoçoes, mas sim com a obediencia a Palavra de Deus.
Jerusalem - Holy Land
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Where do they take you?
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55.8-9
God is in a higher place than us because His Thoughts are higher than our thoughts – this is a consequence. It is not the place where we are that determines our thoughts, but our thoughts that determine the place where we are or will be.
Not everyone in church has the Thoughts of God. On the contrary, most have the thoughts of the devil, because they have not been born of the Holy Spirit. And if this new birth does not happen, these thoughts will end up taking them out of church and into hell; in other words, to a place where they have been for a long time.
There are people who live in sin, but think of and desire to have a righteous life. Sooner or later, they will have an opportunity and begin to live a correct life, because their thoughts will take them there. On the other hand, there are also those who live a correct life but think of a life given to sin. In the same way, sooner or later, they will be living in sin, because their thoughts will take them there as well.
“Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass…” Isaiah 14.24
Which thoughts have you had? And where are they taking you – closer or farther away from God? To Heaven or to Hell? What will happen to you if you continue to have the same thoughts you have today?
Those who abandon the faith do not do so when they sin or leave the Church, but when they accept the first thought that goes against the Word of God.
Monday, April 27, 2015
An advantage for those who to trust
For since the beginning of the world, men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, who acts for the one who waits for Him. Isaiah 64.4
God works in favor of those who wait for Him. To wait on God does not mean to sit around with your arms crossed, resigned to your situation; much less, to remain anxious, worrying whether God will actually do something about your problem. Those who wait are those who trust in God, and depend 100% on Him, placing all of their hope solely in Him.
Observe this marvelous and exclusive characteristic of our God: He works for those who place their hope in Him. He works for those who believe. This is extraordinary! God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Creator of everything and everyone, chose to work for those who manifest their faith in Him. This is one of the clauses in the contract we signed by faith when we surrendered our lives to Him.
This statement may offend many religious people, but they can complain to the One who wrote the Bible. It is written and registered that He is this way. It is in His character to match each person’s act of faith with an act that only He can do. This does not diminish God; on the contrary, this only exalts Him.
Who else, having such power and authority over the entire universe, would make such a deal with man? This is why there is no other like Him. There has never been, nor will there ever be. And, because this is part of His character, our faith remains firm that, no matter what happens, nothing can stop us.
Even if we don’t have the necessary human conditions, even if the odds are all against us, even if the world hates us and no one wants to help us, we have the Almighty working in our favor. If – and only IF – we manifest this faith with actions that show our conviction. If there is doubt. If we do not give up. Then, yes, we will succeed. He does not work for everyone. He only works for those who surrender themselves 100%.
For those, He also says:
For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not; I will help you.’ Isaiah 41.13
This word is more than enough to keep us fully confident. This dissolves any anxiety. Why should we be anxious? If God is with us, helping us and working for us, nothing prevents us from moving forward and doing our part, no matter what comes along the way.
God works in favor of those who wait for Him. To wait on God does not mean to sit around with your arms crossed, resigned to your situation; much less, to remain anxious, worrying whether God will actually do something about your problem. Those who wait are those who trust in God, and depend 100% on Him, placing all of their hope solely in Him.
Observe this marvelous and exclusive characteristic of our God: He works for those who place their hope in Him. He works for those who believe. This is extraordinary! God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Creator of everything and everyone, chose to work for those who manifest their faith in Him. This is one of the clauses in the contract we signed by faith when we surrendered our lives to Him.
This statement may offend many religious people, but they can complain to the One who wrote the Bible. It is written and registered that He is this way. It is in His character to match each person’s act of faith with an act that only He can do. This does not diminish God; on the contrary, this only exalts Him.
Who else, having such power and authority over the entire universe, would make such a deal with man? This is why there is no other like Him. There has never been, nor will there ever be. And, because this is part of His character, our faith remains firm that, no matter what happens, nothing can stop us.
Even if we don’t have the necessary human conditions, even if the odds are all against us, even if the world hates us and no one wants to help us, we have the Almighty working in our favor. If – and only IF – we manifest this faith with actions that show our conviction. If there is doubt. If we do not give up. Then, yes, we will succeed. He does not work for everyone. He only works for those who surrender themselves 100%.
For those, He also says:
For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not; I will help you.’ Isaiah 41.13
This word is more than enough to keep us fully confident. This dissolves any anxiety. Why should we be anxious? If God is with us, helping us and working for us, nothing prevents us from moving forward and doing our part, no matter what comes along the way.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Caminhada do Amor - Chicago IL
Existem coisas que nao tem preço, como por exemplo, estar junto de quem amamos e nos amam também. Como aconteceu na Caminhada do Amor em todo o mundo, provando que não ha barreiras para que possa impedir a forca do amor.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
After 20 years of addiction, she is healed.
My name is Bethzaida and at the age of 3 I began being sexually abused by relatives and friends of the family. This caused great psychological trauma. My father was an alcoholic and besides taking me with him to bars, he also gave me alcoholic beverages to drink. This became my first addiction.
At the age of 15 I got pregnant and was a mother at 16. I had to leave school and because I couldn’t financially support my daughter, I started working as a dancer in a nightclub. I worked there for 6 years. There, I got involved with drugs such as ecstasy, acid and more alcoholic beverages, and used them every day to be able to sell my body and make money.
After some time, I became pregnant again but decided to get an abortion. I met another man and got pregnant again, and had my second child. But he left me for another woman. So I got some plastic surgery to improve my body. An infection spread and I almost died. The doctors gave me morphine tablets (synthetic heroin), and this is when I became addicted to heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.
I ended up arrested for trafficking large amounts of morphine tablets. I was in prison for 5 years, spending loads of money on lawyers so I wouldn’t remain locked up for 15 years.
For this reason, I lost custody of my son and sank deep into the underworld of crack, marijuana and mushrooms for 10 years. Then, I started working for a pimp who told me to sell my body in exchange for drugs. I reached the point of selling myself for $3 or just in exchange for drugs. He collected the money and gave me drugs.
In total, it was more than 20 years of suffering, until one day a group from the Universal Church rang my door bell and invited me to seek the Living God. So I went to Church. I was yearning for such a change that, on the first day, I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus and was baptized in the water. This is when the process of my deliverance began. When I participated in the strong prayer meeting, I manifested with demons, and after the deliverance prayer, the bishop made a challenge saying that if I wasn’t delivered, he would stop doing what he does and start selling bananas on the side of the road. I made the decision and God gave me the strength to fight. I did the chains of prayer for deliverance and continued persevering. Right away, I felt disgusted by drugs and stopped using.
Today I am free of all addictions and I can say that there is a cure for addictions.
Thank God!
Bethzaida – Fort Lauderdale – Florida, United States
Monday, April 13, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
The path of the Altar

…Which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold?
…Which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Matthew 23.17-19
What you consider greater and more important becomes your goal.
Many say they choose the path of the Altar when they actually want the path of the gold. This is, they say they want to get to the Altar, but what they really want is to get to the gold. Because, for them, the gold deposited on the Altar is more important than the Altar itself.
Those who want to walk the path of the gold have their thoughts focused on the gold. Their concern is to find ways to benefit from it. So, they focus on filling churches with people, obtaining titles, being recognized by people, having their name exalted and conquering material goods for themselves.
But those who want to walk the path of the Altar have their thoughts focused on the Altar. Their concern is to find ways to benefit the Altar. So they concentrate on making disciples, serving God in all circumstances, leading people to know God, seeing Jesus’ Name being glorified and investing so that more souls can be reached.
These are two completely different paths that lead to opposite destinations but many still insist on believing they can take advantage of the “best of both worlds”. But there is no way you can serve two masters, or walk down two paths. Either you walk down one or the other; either you intend to benefit from the gold or intend to benefit from the Altar. What are your true intentions?
The path of the Altar is the way into the arms of God, but the path of the gold is the way to hell.
Friday, April 3, 2015
The faith that moved Abraham
Abraham believed for a long time, even when there was no longer any hope of seeing his dream come true, to then be able to become the father of faith and God’s friend. Not only did he have a son, but millions, just like he was told:
“So shall your descendants be. And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.” Romans 4.18-21
Those who are of the faith are guided by what they cannot see, not by what they can see.
If Abraham focused on the circumstances, he would certainly have become discouraged, just like any other person would. He had many reasons to feel like that. Nothing was working in his favor. He was no longer a young man married to a sterile woman, but an old man married to an old sterile woman.
Those who have a supernatural faith submit their natural plans to spiritual plans. Everything that is heavenly is above what is wordly and the spiritual is above the material.
Those who look to the difficulties become discouraged and lose the vision of God.
Abraham’s secret was that his faith was 100% immersed in God’s Word.
This is why he did not become weak! The years he waited did not overcome him, and his and Sarah’s physical conditions did not cause him to doubt what is most sublime and precious: the Word that was given to us!
Nothing in the universe is compared to the Word of God Almighty.
It is sovereign in Heaven and on Earth! Nothing can stop it!
There is no force or power that can oppose it. It is God Himself materialized. Where it goes, darkness dissipates and the impossible happens.
Abraham knew this! He had full conviction that the Almighty’s Promise would be fulfilled. The time required for this to happen did not matter. He believed, and that was enough to sustain him day after day and year after year.
His decisions were not understood by others. He seemed crazy! Exchanging the certain for the doubtful is not something that can be understood by those who have not received the revelation of supernatural faith.
But Abraham was different! His faith made him special among that generation. Physical eyes look for something physical as a reference, but spiritual eyes, which are of the faith, look to the invisible and persevere until the Promise is fulfilled.
Are you the kind of person who usually weighs the possibilities for a miracle to happen? Bishop Macedo
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Nao apagueis o Espirito
"Nao apagueis o Espirito" 1 Tessalonicenses 5.19
O que mais tem feito apagar o Espirito Santo na vida de muitos Cristaos, é exatamente o dar ouvidos a maldita voz do coração, dos sentimentos, voz das emoções. Na maioria das vezes a voz que vem do coração soa suavemente e causa uma falsa sensação de bem estar, de algo muito bom, porem, por detraz desse falso bem estar, se encontra uma grande armadilha do diabo. Sem perceber a pessoa se afasta da fé e consequentemente ela se afasta do Altar, do fogo do Espirito. A sua queda é apenas uma questão de tempo. O Espirito Santo ja se apagou dentro dela. ja não ha mais desejo de ler a Biblia, buscar a Presença de Deus, participar das campanhas de fé, jejuar, ganhar almas, não ha mais forças para perdoar, e muito mais.
Cuide para que o Espirito Santo não seja apagado de sua vida, procure manter a chama do fogo de Deus ardendo constantemente dentro de voce. Fazendo assim, a sua vida estará sempre no Altar e sua salvação estará protegida.
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