I Overcame
Imagine for example, if your parents have sacrificed their entire lives by dedicating themselves at work day and night without enjoying a single moment of life but just working hard to provide you a high level of academic education, an excellent and very profitable carrier and in the end they invest all their money to build you up a comfortable house for you to live in? And then, after all this you simply say, “I don’t care about that and let me live my own life in the way I want! How do you think they would feel? Not good, right? That’s how God feels when we simply accept to be defeated by our problems, after all He did upon the cross by denying Himself and paying a high price for what He never did, simply for us to overcome our problems and enjoy the abundant life promised in the Bible.
Good Friday means good life and this good life is available for those who overcome their own weakness and their lack of confidence, those who overcome the problems that have overcome them for quite a long time.
No more defeat, we have to overcome!
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
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