Many people don't really understand why they fail before problems and situations in which they are more than capable of solving and overcoming. They start to search for reasons and explanations and never find a suitable answer for their failures. There is something very interesting that had happened thousands of years ago but it can be remembered and used to help us to have a better understanding why many things don't work as they should work in their lives. "So the Lord said to Joshua; "Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face? "Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them. For they have even taken some of the accursed things, and have both stolen and deceived; and they have also put it among their own staff." Joshua 7. 10-12
After defeating and possessing the city of Jericho which was considered as the oldest city and most secured one in that time, the children of Israel were defeated and put into shame when they fought to possess the city called Ai a small city with a small army. While the Children of Israel were obeying and following God's commandments everywhere they went and everything they did were successful because God was with them but from the moment they trespassed God's commandment by doing exactly what they were not supposed to do then they faced problems. This is what happens to people, many times we don't understand why we fail when we do things in which we know very well that we are more than able to do and to conquer, maybe right now you remember how many great things you have already conquered in life but how about the small problems? Have you already overcome them? Or you are still struggling with something in which you know you should've already overcome? See what type of relationship you have kept with God then it will be much easier to find out why things are not working in your life as they should.
Be blessed!
B Carlos
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