Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Obligation or Inspiration?

Everyone is different because everyone thinks differently. The greatest desire and challenge of a person is to make others think like him, at least on one matter – have the same opinion, the same taste, the same point of view. When it comes to a person’s spiritual life, it’s something that those who belong to the Light as well as those who belong to the darkness wish to do in regards to the way other people act, because both believe they are in the right, though only those who are of the Light truly are.

But often, the children of God try to do this the wrong way. This is the reason why they usually do not succeed. Meanwhile, most of the children of the devil have been doing it the right way, and effectively guided souls to hell.

The biggest mistake we can make, and that we usually make, is to impose our faith on someone. When we become aware of reality, the desire to save our family and friends is so great that it causes us to try everything in our power to achieve this. And unfortunately, we end up using it in the worst possible way.

We use our eyes to notice every sin they commit, our ears to know what they have been doing, our mouth to criticize their behavior and our hands to point fingers and make accusations. We think that these drastic measures will awaken them to the truth, but all we’re doing is pushing them further away from us and, consequently, from God.

We should not, nor could we, impose our faith on anyone. Not even God Himself imposes things on us! But we can, and it is necessary to inspire people to have the same faith, making us worthy of being admired for an irreproachable character, supernatural strength and a humble spirit.

Therefore, use your eyes to see their qualities and needs. Use your ears to listen when they need someone to talk to. Then, use your mouth to make a compliment, show appreciation or give them wise and useful advice. This way, your hands will serve to raise them up during difficult times. You will be considered a true friend: one that does not judge, but helps. This is the true representation of the Lord Jesus!

Effective influence does not scream out loud, it is silent. It does not clash, but works in harmony. It does not criticize what is contrary, but shows the benefits of being on its side. It is not violent, nor troublesome, but gentle and almost imperceptible.

The salvation of the people you love should not be an obligation, but an inspiration. But which of the two strategies have you been using? Remember that Jesus did not force anyone to do anything, but was and is the Greatest Influencer of the Universe, because He is an example, a reference to be followed. When you become this reference, multitudes will begin to follow you, and have the same faith and the same God you have. This is the behavior of a real and effective soul winner.

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