Be Wise
We have seen throughout these years serving God that the majority of people who regularly come to church hear the word of God and believe in it wholeheartedly, at least that’s the impression they give. Maybe, you might ask, isn’t it important? Yes, it is, but this is not all, besides hear and believe we also have to practice what’s written. The Lord Jesus clearly said, ‘Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7. 24
See that He doesn’t say whoever hears and believes but whoever hears and does them. To believe in the word of God is very easy and actually, even the devil believes and it doesn’t make him change.
What God really wants from us is to practice what is written, by doing this we’ll build our life on the rock which we all know is not easy because it requires perseverance, patience, and sacrifice of our own will.
A person whose life is built on the rock is able to overcome any obstacles. He/she knows how to wait for God to answer their prayers.
Be wise, build your life on the rock by practicing the word of God much more than you hear it and believe in it.
Bp Carlos
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