Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No More Eggs

  There was a man who one day received a seven days free ticket to go on a cruise trip. He greatly rejoiced and went home quickly to get ready with his wife because they couldn't miss it. They prepared their luggages  without wasting time and as the trip would take seven days they thought, we better cook some eggs and carry with us so that any time we need to eat something we won't have to spend money to buy food, we just eat eggs. Then they departed on their seven days trip. On the first day they ate eggs, second day they ate eggs... But while they were just eating eggs everyday, other people were enjoying everything as much as they could. They were eating and drinking all kinds of delicious food, jumping in the swimming pool in the morning, afternoon and evening, dancing, etc. But, the gentleman and his wife were just watching and from time to time eating some eggs. On the seventh day the captain came to their room and saw that they were eating eggs and asked them why? Then they said that they didn't have right of doing the same things that others were doing. Then the captain asked for their ticket and when he read it, the back of his ticket was the same one that all those who were in that cruise had. They should have been enjoying everything since the first day but as they didn't read the whole ticket they didn't know their rights, for this reason they only ate eggs.
     Unfortunately this has happened to many people who are in the church, and don't be surprise, even among many who are serving God. They haven't enjoyed the best because they don't know their rights. One they The Lord Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and life more abundantly", but most of those who know about this promise are not living this type of life. What we have seen is something completely different; though they are in the church doing the Work of God, their quality of life does not reflect the greatness of God.
      Dear friend, one day we were all in the darkness, completely blind but time came in which we found The Lord Jesus and He set us free and transformed us in every aspect. He gave us His Spirit so that through us others, who are still in the darkness, may have the opportunity to find the way of salvation exactly like you and I did. Today we are all free and able to enjoy the best of everything and carry the certainty of our salvation.
Let's help those who are still eating eggs to find the abundant life. Let's save souls.
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You are the pillars of the Temple.
Bishop Carlos

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