Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Monday, September 22, 2014

God and the shadow
Dear assistant,
What is the reason have we seen many people claiming that they believe in God and serve Him with all their hearts and strength; They say that they have surrendered their whole life in His hands and He is everything for them, but yet whenever we look at their lives we are able to see everything and the only thing we do not see is exactly the fulfillment of what God has promised in His word. The question is, Why? Has God changed what's written? Has He changed His mind? Is He old? I know that you answer is NO! So, what is the reason there are so many people claiming one thing and showing another thing completely different from what they say?
See what the prophet Isaiah said, "For the LORD of hosts has purposed, And who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, And who will turn it back?” Isaiah 14:27

This verse shows very clear that the problem is not with God because it's more than clear that He is ready to act and bless all those who believe and call to Him. However, many times He has been prevented from acting or manifesting His power because people simply refuse to do their part, many of them, including those who are serving Him, have made the big mistake of thinking that everything they need to do is to pray and then everything is going to change because of their prayers. I'm not saying you should not pray, but if what you want from Him depended on your prayers only, don't you think you should have already conquered it? How many prayers have you already prayed for this case in your life? Have you seen those results yet? If your answer is NO, then it's clear that for you to change your situation or conquer what you've been dreaming of, you have to act.

God is like our shadow, if you move He moves, but if you insist in keeping quiet thinking that only your prayers are enough for you to accomplish your goals, I'm sorry, to be frank, it'll never happen.
There's no one else who wants to bless you more than God wants, but unfortunately if you don't do your part He won't be able to fulfill His promises in your life.
Can your shadow move while you are stuck? I honestly don't think so.

And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea." Exodus 14:15, 16
Don't let the sun go down today without doing what you've got to do!
 Take actions and be blessed.
Bishop Carlos

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