Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The counterfeit garment

We are preparing for the King’s Feast, which will be held next Sunday. And we already know that the only requirement to attend this feast is to be dressed in faith, which is represented by the wedding garments mentioned in Matthew 22.11. Therefore, it is important that we pay attention to the condition of our wedding garments.

Many have worn a counterfeit garment; this is, they have been living a counterfeit faith. These people believe in Jesus, achieve some blessings, are assiduous in their attendance at church, but inside, they harbor things contrary to the Word of God. They aren’t harboring these things because they’re unaware they’re making a mistake, but simply because they prefer to continue making the same mistake.

In the eyes of those around them, they seem to have a pure faith – and, their garments seem perfectly original –, but God can see the grief that is in their heart, their evil eyes towards others, pride, selfishness, evil intentions, deceitful spirit, emotional faith, unfaithfulness, undefined and everything else that makes them unworthy of attending the feast hosted by God.

We must remember that the King’s Feast is not simply just another event in the Church, but an event that will also take place in the Kingdom of Heaven. Not everyone who enters the physical space of the Church will be able to enter the spiritual space of the Feast. Therefore, if you come with a counterfeit garment, you will be valuing a human experience and neglecting a spiritual experience. In the end, do not expect to enjoy the same benefits as those who come with true wedding garments. No bishop, pastor or assistant is going to remove you from the Church, but God Himself will certainly remove you from the banquet and the Kingdom He has prepared.

So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 22.12-13

And, if someone insists on trying to deceive the Organizer of the Feast, he cannot say he was removed by surprise.
Bishop Macedo

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